
i find this to be very true :]

Your Soul's Urge is Joy

You are a truly and naturally happy person. You are always grateful for something.

People are drawn to your light hearted spirit. You are very popular without trying to be.

You can see the good in almost every person. You don't criticize, condemn, or gossip.

You truly embrace life without fears or worries. You hurt like everyone else, you just move on from it more quickly.

sigur ros::svefn-g-englar

i just wanted to do a quick post about sigur ros
they are seriously one of the best bands i ever came across
they can make me happy or sad or just nostalgic with one song.
i love it and i posted my favorite song by them. i love it so much.


ok so uh i don't know why. but this picture was sorta funny.

right now, i'm SUPAH hyper and is just waiting for procastination to leave me alone.

i have to get this paper done tonight so i can stay on schedule for tomorrow. but it's gonna get done. now i'm just champering away on this that no one will read, but probably my mom and a couple of friends that followed the link.

the end. i'm done.

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a.b lee
i'm an explorer who hasn't left home yet.
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