

Almond Tree in Blossom
Painting, Oil on Canvas
Areles, France: April 1888

Vincent van Gogh


pink floyd

my favorite pink floyd song "i wish you were here" i've written plenty of things with this song playing in the background.

random shrandom...

the most random thing i saw today. a lawnmower sitting in the middle of an intersection with a bottle of window cleaner standing right next to it...
it's winter why would anybody need a lawnmower?

but on other news, working on a fiction piece and it's going pretty swell.
peace folks.


i had a creeper stare at me today. like for a long time...
and it was terrifying!!

peace. (haha)

cool video

okay so this kid (guy really) Joe Penna (MysteryGuitarMan) is so awesome in YouTube land. He's only number 35 in most subscribed of all time (for right now) but he truly one of the best out there.

check out this video

kid cudi moment.

kid cudi, has to be my favorite rapper at the moment. he doesn't rap about the typical, women, booze, and cash (not in the way other rappers do). i love his album Man on the Moon because it's an actual story (and it's narrated by Common). So I recommend that people check it out. so yeah.

peace folks.


Bus Ride

I watch them stand around and wait for the same thing I am. We just act like we’re not connected in any way since in the end we’re all going to different places. I am going to zone eight, the man across from me is either going to zone five or three the way he’s making himself comfortable with his newspaper and briefcase snug in the seat next to him. The man in front of me is probably going farther than me since he leaned his chair back until it hit my knees. He looked back, glared at me thinking why I chose this seat when there are about twenty empty ones. I just look back at him and smile; it’s my own way of getting back at society. Choosing a seat right behind someone so they can’t manipulate the amount of comfort the bus company is supposed to give you.

We end our conflict politely, with silence and a quick movement back into the nook of our seats. When the bus pulls out of the lot, people get into position, they have their routine packed down.

Get on the bus, look really tired and bothered about the day and put something in the aisle seat, another person will walk by, taking the hint that this person wants to be alone. Then wait, wait till everyone else gets on, you only get to stare at one person as they sit down, only one or you’re breaking the rules. Then when everyone is seated and the bus pulls out, and through the tunnel leading back into Jersey close your eyes. Pretend to sleep or pray or read the newspaper’s sports section. It makes you look well rounded.

But of course I don’t do that. When I wait, I glance at them smile and keep listening to whatever is on shuffle. I try to text or write something down to keep it in my mind, and tell my aunt that hey I’m taking the 4:28 bus home today. But there’s gonna be traffic because of the crumby weather. I put my things on the ground that hasn’t been cleaned since last September, and my shoulder leans on the murky glass. Once on the bus, after I handed him the twenty for a roundtrip and again forgot to get my change I pick a seat on the left side so I can see the city. Always the second set behind the handicap door. I stare at everyone, well it’s not really staring but I give everyone a good look, to lodge the small things that I notice in a jar.

The way that man reminds me of a school professor, or how sadly the small man sadly reminds me of Jackie Chan, or how the man took a good gander at my breasts as he walked past and gave a satisfying mouth gesture. My favorite was the young guy, who looked like he was going home from school just like me. He had on a hand-me-down beanie, with an old Bob Dylan-esque leather jacket, and a rotten obese messenger bag that had patches of the Who, and the Strokes. I perked up immediately for him to notice, but he just smiled at me, noticing the same student qualities as he had, and smiled catching his seat a few down then diagonal of me.

Once the ride gets out on route three it gets boring. The business men poke their heads in books and blackberries, and the bus driver goes in silence. Everyday there’s always something jingling and no one seems to care. Whenever the bus goes over a bump it makes a ring like a service bell, but no heads move to catch the mouse out of its hole. Except for me, I try to see its tail, but it’s too sly and quick for me to catch it running back home.

The bus still rambles us on down the highway forty minutes later, knocking everyone out; the smooth pulsation making person by person dive into a muted sleep. I fight it, staring out the window watching the pattern of trees and stores pass by. I know it by heart; it goes house, house, house, house light pole, house, house, light pole, highway exit, overpass, Stop and Shop, then wait. More traffic.

I can’t fight the sleep much longer; my body is getting too comfortable in the warmth and the vague softness of the chair.

When I wake from the clank of the railroad track, it’s dark. The sun had set and now I knew I was almost home. I called for my ride, and slipped my coat back on, and wiped of the dry drool from my mouth. I rang the button at the stoplight before I get off. The bus driver stopped, and I walked down the aisle, swishing around so my bag doesn’t hit anything.

This is the first time I get a good look at the driver. He had dark hair, and eyes. A light tan on his face made me think that he was just in his thirties. If he stood up though he’d only be a few inches taller than me. The last thing I noticed was no wedding ring, but just a gold and black watch on his right arm. After I observed him, I said the usual thank you for suffering through this tedious drive all the way out here to the boonies, just to do it all over again, and stepped off the bus and on my way home.


polaroid program!

everything looks better as a polaroid picture.
hands down.


the most gross stuff ever! but it works.
i hate being sick :(

jill greenberg "ursine"

i totally love this little guy.
jill greenberg is a talented woman.

andy warhol

really diggin this.

finally a dedication to emerson

i'll start off with my ALL TIME favorite quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson:
I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty.
I first discovered Emerson in Junior year of high school and we read an excerpt of his essay Nature which is his most famous one next to Self-Reliance. Here's a really really good quote from that essay:
I appeal from your customs. I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should. I will not hide my tastes or aversions. I will so trust that what is deep is holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and moon whatever inly rejoices me, and the hear appoints.
That was from Self-Reliance. A great essay about just being yourself in society, and just accepting everything around you, but not falling into the same pattern as everyone else, beating your own drum with pride.
My favorite though is still Nature, my favorite quote-the one i mentioned first- is from this essay. When i go through my Emerson book i see all these lines that i underlined and highlighted, and how the book's spine is completely broken. But i like it like that. That the book has been worn and read over and over again. okay so back to nature, when i first read this essay we read the first chapter that says the most to me. He's walking through the woods and talking about all the things he sees and how man doesn't pay attention to it, how really only the child and the poet (which he's not really good at...just sayin') really see nature.
At one moment when he's deep in the woods and has absorbed anything he says: "I'm glad to the brink of fear." & later when he deep into transcendence he writes this:
I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all ; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am a particle of God.
SERIOUSLY! oh my gosh, he was a very religious person and that says so much! i don't know what to say really about it. if you don't know any emerson just read one of the two essays. i swear it'll change your life, i will say whole heartedly that it changed mine.
but i'm going to stop because i can go on forever about emerson. but'll i'll end the post with my number two favorite quote. (it's pretty long)
January 7, 1832. There is a process in the mind very analogous to crystallization in the mineral kingdom. I think of a particular fact of a singular beauty and interest. In thinking of it I am led to many more thoughts which show themselves first partially and afterwards more fully. But in the multitude of them I see no order. When I would present them to others they have no beginning. There is no method. Leave them now, & return to them again. Domesticate them in your mind, do not force them into arrangement too hastily & presently you shall find they will take their own order. And the order they assume is divine. It is God's architecture.

creative & chaotic

the recent quiz result that i got for taking a chocolate test:
<--that's the piece of chocolate i chose]

you are creative & chaotic

You are all over the map, and you really don't try to get yourself on one path.
You enjoy multitasking, and in fact, you feel like you think better when your mind is going in many directions.
You always have to have your hands in something. It's impossible for you to stop creating.
You are fun, lively, and even a bit outrageous. You like to push boundaries and find out what is possible.

tis very true! wow, this is the most legit response i've got about myself in a while on a little internet quiz thing.

so on with the blog, i've decided that i will schedule days to post: Monday, Wednesday & Friday. three days out of the week, so i think that's good with homework and everything.

i'll post something more 'creative' & inspirational later. just wanted to post this right now. have a good day folks!

another Ghandi

Ghandi, originally uploaded by mywildthing.

another photo i took today.

ghandi in union square

i took this picture this morning when i got off the subway.
this is the Ghandi statue that stands in union square. i've always loved how some mornings he would have pieces of clothing on him, a shawl or scarf that someone gave him late at night.
or during the new year people left beads on him.
once he had a peace necklace around him and some daisies in his right hand.
i think it's a beautiful statue and apparently its there to show the history of social activism.

well, i'm glad it's there because i get to see an amazing person everyday (even though he is a bronze statue!)

so in words of departure:

"you must never lose faith in humanity. humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."
-mahatma ghandi

"paris 2004"

i think this band (peter bjorn & john) is perfect to listen to late at night (like right now at 1:20 AM for me)
i was writing a short story when they sneaked into my itunes (well not really...)
i was about to skip it, sadly, when i realized i haven't given them a listen in a while. and now i'm glad i did. it reminds me of high school and of just that time period really because it was a strange romantic time for me.
well i'm just gonna post my favorite lyrics on here from the song "Paris 2004" from their album Writer's Block (with the famous song "Young Folks"). i encourage anybody to give it a listen.

Sunday morning,
On the bed two half-eaten croissants.
Sunday morning,
We'll soon be out on the boulevards.
Monday morning,
We have to fly back home again.
While I'm sleeping,
You paint a ring on my finger with your black marker-pen.
I'm all about you, you're all about me,
We're all about each other.
I'm all about you, you're all about me,
We're all about each other.
You don't have to tell, 'cause I know so well
What we are all after.
Likewise if uncertainty puts a spell on me,
I have to zoom in on your laughter.
Wednesday morning,
We sleep over and we're late again.
Let's skip breakfast,
We need this precious time just to comprehend.

coney island

., originally uploaded by mywildthing.

february '10

red cabin

DSC_0510 - Copy, originally uploaded by mywildthing.

december '09

i love electronic music!

this is truly a talented group of dudes. the glitch mob is one of those awesome finds in music (if you like electronic & jazz). i would've never found out about them if it wasn't for the matisyahu show i went to in december '09
apparently they're part of this new genre called glitch hop which is really cool.
so just wanted to throw in those two cents about great music.


the ghosts of coney island [poem]

they still have their old bathing suits on

blue with lines wrapping around their waists

and ankles that fade from the touch of the ocean


they sleep on the boardwalk,

near the freakshow where they comfort

the Cyclops human and his misshapen family


the ghosts of coney island hide in the winter

they sunbathe while no one is looking

and tan their toes under the grey clouds


the wind whispers around their ears

twisting their hair around the barbwire

and plastic bags stuck on the top of trees


it doesn’t bother them,

since they are simple folk

remembering the time of 1927

when they screamed at the top of their lungs


getting closer to the sky than they ever have before.


the ghosts of coney island dance in the dark,

while the neighborhood lights glow

and the sea lions next door honk an appalling tune


and they dip their sweethearts near the ground

sweeping them back into their arms

while tip toeing back down the boardwalk

About Me

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a.b lee
i'm an explorer who hasn't left home yet.
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