
love lost.

i'm gonna say no at the moment.
but i'm sure i'll turn right back around and say it does.

a couple of moments later...

it does exist but you just have to find it. and you might have to break a few shovels and get a couple a blisters on your fingers to get it.


i absolutely love this movie. i have definitely seen it more than 20 times. i had on my first DVR for 4 years.


and i feel like i'm going to explode for the second time.

a title

If you were to write the story of your life until now, what would you title it? Why?

i stole this from a blog. that's an interesting question. i'm considering it now.... hmm...


yeah, i'm a pc.
i play games while i wait for the installation to be finished.
i walk away from the screen if it gets frozen.
i look at macs and say "what a pity you all look the same."
i still don't know how to play minesweeper & free cell
i enjoy the fact that our 'mascot' wears tailored suits instead of jeans a t-shirt & slip ons
i love my pc.

legit find #09

i found this & smiled tremendously.
this is totally how i feel about the books i have laying around. it's my life library.
instead of every summer, it's like once a month.

but this is real.

vita romanticismo

i created my own galaxy. or my own universe.
in it we collect quotes, fortune cookie fortunes, unforgettable text messages, great photos, notebooks of dreams & ideas, unused cassette tapes, songs we know by heart, Nature, love, happiness, peace & creativity.

oh dr. seuss

finally a perfect quote about love and dreams.


ok. um seriously the Lady Gaga "Telephone" music video didn't make ANY sense what so ever.
don't get me wrong, i like gaga, but that video, i don't know.

are they mimicking Tarantino flicks?

guess what? i'm a writer

well i finished my story. Wraparound. ugh, finally it's such a relief and i am happy i got it out.
i hope everyone likes the final result. i guess editing and whatnot will come this weekend.

hey and guess what. i'm a freakin writer.
and that's what i'll be


almost done

just a peek into my mind/jot pad.
i haven't posted in a VERY long time (i guess)
but i've been working on a story, writing a few poems and doing school related jazz.

so yeh.
peace folks

wild flower.

i took a quiz to see what kind of bouquet i was and i got a wild flower bouquet (which are my favorite actually) and i got a fairly decent explanation too.

You are a true free spirit. You want to go wherever life takes you, and you feel like plans kill the mood.
You are low maintenance and laissez faire. You believe that whatever will be will be, so why try to change it?

You love colorful things and colorful people. It's hard to find anything that's too wild for your tastes.
You're too laid back to be a total wild child, but you've definitely had your crazier moments!

for you to read.

I threw my last pack of empty Newports in the plastic bag that hung from the doorknob. The room was a dingy tan that reminded me of the beach sand. We emptied it yesterday and it felt like a ritual now. To run away or to try to make up for something that was lost.

I kept the picture of mom there though. He needed that. Dad took the picture of her holding me back in May when I was just turning 5 years old. My skin didn’t look as pungent, and my childhood chubbiness was concealed behind a bright Sunday dress that they told me I wore all the time. The photo looked alone, but so did the room’s color. A beach’s sand shouldn’t stranded out in the middle of nowhere in Jersey where it couldn’t meet back with the ocean on one gust of wind.

It’s why I couldn’t take it. “You sure ‘bout this Syd?” I turned around and saw Dad staring into the room with me. His eyes stuck on the picture.

I nodded my head and hugged him. He pushed me away quickly when I didn’t start to cry and kissed my forehead. Since we already packed my bags and threw them in the back of the Dodge there was no need to linger in the house, to try to get me to stay any longer, because I looked back on his erratic display of frames and frowned. Now after seeing Dad’s light in another state it was petty, something that a kindergartner would do to get the attention of their parents who obviously didn’t care.

The car ride to Newark Airport was too long. It reminded me of the time he had to pick me up from this party in Miami. Somehow he found out that I went there with a couple of friends, he got angry and pulled me out, into his truck and we drove back to the Keys. He was silent all the way, because he was upset that I broke his trust. He thought I knew better and after that he drove through the boggy one sided highway across the bridges and sharp turns.

We got to the airport too early, and I didn’t want him to wait with me before I went through security. I bought a couple of books and my CD player, so I was sure I’d be fully occupied. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled to him after I adjusted my bag on my shoulder.

“It’s okay Syd.” He doesn’t understand like he should. He doesn’t understand that he should move back to Florida, take back the crumby souvenir shop and just try to fall in love with the town again. But I didn’t want to push it. He’d be fine here in Jersey.

“Oh, here. I forgot.” I dug into the pocket of my bag and gave him a tape. “Made you a mix tape, of your songs.” By songs I meant the ones him and mom danced to on the living room floor, the planks of wood creaking softly under their weight, humming to the music.

He nodded his head and bit his lip. “Thanks.” He gave me another firm hug and told me to get going. He turned on his heel and started a brisk walk outside of the building. I stared at him until he was out through the doors.

coolest thing i've seen today.

tyger tyger burning bright.

really touching image.

Great white shark amazes scientists with 4,000-foot dive into abyss, by Pete Thomas

A great white shark known to frequent New Zealand waters has given new meaning to the term "Down Under."

Scientists revealed that the 15-foot shark they've named "Shack" probed to 1,200 meters, or 3,937 feet, as it traveled across open ocean.

Malcolm Francis, principal scientist in charge of the tagging study, is calling this "the world's deepest great white shark dive record" and said it extends the predators' known vertical range by about 600 feet--which is substantial given that great whites, until fairly recently, were regarded as coastal predators.

If placed into perspective Shack might as well have been swimming upward into outer space: That's how bizarre the marine universe is at the depth to which the shark delved.

It passed through the Mesopelagic Zone (600-3,300 feet), also referred to as the "Twilight Zone," and continued well into the Bathypelagic Zone (3,300-13,000 feet), or the "Midnight Zone."

This is the realm of alien-like sea jellies and squids. It's also home to monster-like, needle-toothed predatory fishes and eels that utilize bioluminescence for light and have spawned nature TV specials and, subsequently, nightmares.

What was Shack doing in the company of viperfish, hatchetfish, dragonfish, sabertooth fish, fangtooth fish and gulper eels?

Unfortunately, nobody knows with certainty. Scientists at New Zealand's National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research did not address this in a five-year study that also tracked the country's white sharks migrating to warmer areas during the winter.

However, a Southern California-based researcher, who has tracked great whites to about 3,000 feet, believes they're searching for food at deep-water haunts. The chief food source would be various squid species, including the fabled giant squid, whose epic battles with sperm whales are legendary.

Michael Domeier, who runs theMarine Science Conservation Institute in Fallbrook, has offered this theory based largely on anecdotal evidence.

His study has tracked white sharks from Guadalupe Island off Mexico to a vast, mid-Pacific area between Baja California and Hawaii. A similar tagging effort at the Farallon Islands west of San Francisco has followed white sharks to the same spring-and-early-summer habitat.

In this area there is little productivity. However, scientists have seen squid there, and they've encountered sperm whales, which might imply a squid-based ecosystem far below the surface. Domeier's crew also found a giant squid carcass that had been chewed on.

Though other scientists do not qualify this as proof, the theory is not far-fetched (there are giant squid off New Zealand, too). And as for possible encounters between great whites and giant squid, that's a TV special the "Shark Week" producers at the Discovery Channel ought to be working on without delay.

this made me laugh



banksy is truly a genius.
i would love to see one of his pieces.
it gives a lighter perspective on what graffiti is.

fluid sculpture

Fluid Sculpture from Charlie Bucket on Vimeo.


haha. love this :]

& yet another awesome song.

another song that i fell in love with.
i think i should consider making a playlist called best finds of 2010

dub fx = awesomeness

i fell in love with this.

(i do the second one alot...)

"mar de ago"

cole rise

Chema Madoz

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a.b lee
i'm an explorer who hasn't left home yet.
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