
the best damn friends in the world.

florence + the machine "drumming song (live abbey road)"

i love love LOVE this song. they're such a good band. seriously.

the black keys "tighten up"

i keep hearing really good songs.
gosh. this is the season ain't it.


And the question is, was I more alive
Then than I am now?
I happily have to disagree
I laugh more often now, I cry more often now
I am more me
that's from Peter Bjorn & John's song: "Objects of my Affection" and it's about this guy that moves to a town, he fell in love previously and it's out of his hands now. the relationship fell apart. and now his friend is telling him to love again, or just to go out in life again. and i just love this part of the song. it's pretty great.


"help yourself" sad brad smith


RIP Carly Driscoll

this is memory of Carly Driscoll.
she was a great person, strong & loving. she'll be missed.

current life theme song.



this made me laugh, really hard when i needed to.

life is swell.

it is, even when it punches you in the chest and walks away laughing. it doesn't turn around to see if you get back up, because it's all up to you. if one thing gets you face down on the pavement, and you think your bone is broken, don't wait for a bystander to call the police. take out your damn cell & call them yourself. cause i don't know you should, use up your damn minutes, cause you have a hell of a lot of rollovers. but as life is swell, so is love. cause it reminds you that you can feel, that you can hurt, and cry, and get back up and still love.

i think i'll learn that soon.


i love this movie so much. and it's true about poetry, it's so great. some people just make a joke out if it but it really is a beautiful form of writing. i just got a e.e. cummings poetry collection in the mail yesterday and i sat in my grandfather chair with my feet propped up and whispered the poems. ah, it was great.

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a.b lee
i'm an explorer who hasn't left home yet.
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