gary oldman.
i would have to put him in my top 10 favorite actors.

post #127

michael caine, morgan freeman & liam neeson?
an honest win

post #126

stevie the kiwi
my new holga camera

my second love

photography. i took this with my minolta.
i'm so happy about how my pictures came out. can't wait to get my holga tomorrow!

post #124

yes yes YESS
[one of my many favorite things]

stand by me

one of my favorite movies.

chum buddy

can i have this pretty please. it's a shark sleeping bag! called chum buddy! :]

post #121

A letter to 19,

Hey 19. So here's the deal, 18 was pretty spectacular, but you mark the end of my teens, which means i gotta live it up. You gotta be one of the best, better than 8, better than 13, 16 and of course 18. So i just wanna let you know, don't hold back, give me all you have and i'll be here ready to take it. ready to kick ass and take names, cause you know what, life isn't about holding back and watching things from the side of the road. gotta hop in that hot Porsche or Ferrari or Lamborghini whichever sports car and hit it. slam the accelerator and go for it.
So thanks 19, for finally showing up. We're gonna have a blast.


minlota maxxum 3000i

my new retro baby.
i shall name him platypus.
for he is unique & lovable, yet sorta weird lookin'

post #119

fantastic mr. fox, a pretty swell movie.
i love how wes anderson did the animation.

ghost writer.



ENVISION : Step into the sensory box from SUPERBIEN on Vimeo.

post #117

i miss the ocean.

post #116

quite easily one of my favorite movies, of all time.
just because you can't see it, doesn't mean you can't believe it.

post #114

i think before i go home. i'm gonna disappear for a bit.
i feel that i need to. i'm really confused right now about a number of things.
so, i just need to be by myself.

post #113

[naming the posts after what number they are cause frankly i can't keep coming up with titles for them.]

but i tried to pull an all nighter to get things done for school.
i got to 2:30. i need to sleep. i'm like 90% done with what i had to do.
i'll do it in 30 minutes tomorrow between classes.
i just don't get how some folks do it. how they're focused for that long.

post #112

i'm on tea, water (bout to get some coffee) and twizzlers.
sweet eebus.

post #111

one of my friends gave me a good musical question.
"if you could say your life story in three albums what would they be?"
took me two weeks to figure it out. the first one was easy: Cloud Cult Advice from a Happy Hippopotamus and then i chose Death Cab for Cutie Transatlanticism and just a few moments ago i came up with the last one: KiD CuDi Man on the Moon: End of the Day
so yup. i'm happy i have three albums.

can i PLEASE have this.
pretty please.

quiz #4

another pretty legit result for "what season is your soul connected to?" i got SUMMER:
You are the type of person who isn't content to let life pass by. You truly believe that life is for the living.
You are outgoing and friendly. You enjoy being around other people,and you're the first one to say "yes" to a social event.

You don't take anything too seriously, and you're known as a bit of a flirt. You feel best when you make other people feel good.
You are happy with the life you are given, even if it isn't much. You are content to bask in the sunlight.

remember the time.

Essay Question #1: Lang College Essay
When I learn something new, I do it in different phases. I start with the basic subject whatever I’m learning at that point. Then I look up things that are connected with it which gives me a broader horizon on the subject, and I finish it with personal research so I can store it in my mind. My mind is weird, I have to do numerous things to get one thing done, and it’s one reason why I can’t be a chef. A liberal arts education would match the way I learn, with what it stands for, studying different topics. I find a liberal arts education a good way to learn in college, exploring different subjects while adventuring on your own for one of the first times. With me liberal arts would lead to more inspiration for what I want to do, more things to learn, and an opportunity to see things differently.
I found out about Eugene Lang on the College Board website when I was trying to figure out where to go. I saw that this school was located in Greenwich Village and my attention completely focused on the school. I looked at the website, the campus map and the courses that it offers. When I looked at the writing courses I thought this is it, it offers so much for me, a student that wants to be a writer for a living. When I visited the school over the summer I saw how small the classrooms are and how spread out everything was. Everything about it was amazing to me, I saw myself there, learning and writing. Pursuing a degree at Lang would mean that I would have access to all the internships and the opportunities offered with them. I know getting an education at Lang would be a challenge, but right now I’m ready for one. I want to bend back as far as I can there, that’s what I want to do with going to college. I feel that at Lang I won’t get bored, I will be inspired all throughout my time there which is what I need.
i sometimes need to read my entrance essays, to remember how excited i was then to go to this school. because right now i'm just like "oh summer get here faster! i want to be done!" but i feel like it's not fair for me to think that. i didn't go as far as i could this year at all. i guess it's because i was still trying to get my balance with everything, or maybe that's me making dumb excuses again. but still next year i'm doing it. i'm going to join the clubs, i'm going to enter the writing contests, i'm gonna get published. i swear i am. i promise myself that i am. i will write everyday this summer.
so with that, i bid adieu for this moment. live life folks. it's only here for one showing

quote #10

AH! :D
i have this on my fridge. so everyday at anytime i read it
and i smile and say damn straight.


poor terry the dinosaur

the glitch mob again.

i was supposed to go see them [the glitch mob] in concert tonight.
but some other small stuff went down :/
i was sorta upset about it, but after talking to my sensei for about an hour,
having jamba juice & a session with my iPod & then finally talking to my best friend i felt better.

so up thar, is one of my favorite remixes they've done.


yes please.

thought #4092

you can't live life with just thinking that the day was unsuccessful.
if you smiled at least once, it was a good day.
end of story.

quote #3009

pretty much legit.

almost over.

well one more week of school.
yes yes yes.

it was a pretty good year, though next semester i'll finally really be able to do what i want.


red house.

[i would love it if it actually looked like that.]
i took another quiz. it was about what color should i paint my house. i got red, i've always liked red houses. (but i can see myself living in an olive green house.)
the result said this:
You are adventurous and have a passion for life. You want to explore new places.
You crave love and ever lasting romance. You want to deepen your intense feelings for another person.
You don't worry about what others think of you. You are who you are, and you've given up trying to be someone else. [very true]
You are quite persuasive. You know how to get your way whenever you want to... and you often want to!

sweeney todd.

oh johnny depp.
you are a great actor and singer. gosh.

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a.b lee
i'm an explorer who hasn't left home yet.
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