
To Love

Dear Love,
Okay, you're a mean sucker, just point blank. How are you gonna do this to me? I mean I was ready to rid myself of any feelings for this fellow and then here you go trying to bring him back into my life? That's not fair at all, in fact it's playing dirty, and I don't roll that way. You should know this. Everyone always says love isn't easy or love will tear you apart, but I thought I had it easy when I was with him. We were just together and that's what it was. But then you go messing up his head, which makes me reconsider everything. Ugh, really, I feel like 500 Days of Summer or somethin', but less dramatic and I'm not a struggling singer, and he's not an architect. But I dunno, this whole thing just sucks. And I don't know what to do except just let it flow into whatever ocean it drains out to. And to not force anything. 
But thanks.



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a.b lee
i'm an explorer who hasn't left home yet.
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