4:42 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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It reassures me as an aspiring writer when I tell my teachers my tactics and what I want to do. "Oh when I have something I have to get it down." & then they reply with: "that's how you know you're truly a writer."
the xx "infinity"
10:19 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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i mean they're really chill live [it seems] but they make awesome music.
fo' serious.
1:15 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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Air, i'm always air.
but this was the best result explanation of it:
You are highly creative and often inspired. You love to be spontaneous and hate restrictions.
You have a yearning for travel and adventure. You want to have a wild and crazy life.
You actually feel a bit more balanced when there is structure and stability in your life, but you avoid it.
You have a yearning for travel and adventure. You want to have a wild and crazy life.
You actually feel a bit more balanced when there is structure and stability in your life, but you avoid it.
snow. wons.
2:12 AM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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"The First Snowflake" by The Boy Least Likely To
they really have to be one of my all time favorite bands & i love this video.
7:17 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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Ok testing
ok that was a test for mobile blogging... so hopefully i'll be posting even more.
though i've been keeping up with this pretty well.
green & grey all the way
6:59 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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- it was friday
- i was reading Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams
- i passed my road test so i have a license now!! :]
- and i got some mango nectar finally
- and i was told i was beautiful by a stranger. haha!
So i was wearing that outfit up there and he was like wow i love your combination. and i was like thank you! since it is in fact my favorite combo. so yeah.
got a license. so happy. so yeah.
peace folks
a few favorite things.
1:03 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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favorite thing # 209: finding a new favorite song and putting it on repeat
[current favorite song: "San Francisco" by Midicronica]
favorite thing #486: coming home and my dog getting really excited to see me
favorite thing #24: finding something that i thought would be gone forever
[i.e my cell phone i lost yesterday on the bus home.]
favorite thing #14: friends & family cheering me up when they know i'm upset.
favorite thing #1: life
satisfied it's spring
3:04 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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the story is going along fine, i stayed up till 3:30 last night to get my characters together.
it's the story that's based on the Dave Matthews song "Stay or Leave" it's such a wonderful sad romantic song.
so happy spring folks
note: miyazaki
12:33 AM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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awesome movie. saw it for the first time this week. i really love his work and his stories are phenomenal
he also did my #2 favorite movie: Howl's Moving Castle.
just a little note.
lomo lomo holga lomo
11:50 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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it seems like my thing, though really i'm still learning all my isms. (but that topic is for a later date).

but yeah. i dunno, it's pretty much one of those things i'm excited about at the moment.
my favorite thing that i've sorta learned from the lomography website are the 10 golden rules.
- take your camera everywhere you go
- use it anytime--day & night
- lomography is not an interference in your life, but part of it
- try the shot from the hip
- approach the objects of your lomographic desire as close as possible
- don't think (william firebrace)
- be fast
- you don't have know beforehand what you captured on film
- afterwards either
- don't worry about any rules.
so that's all for now. i guess. tomorrow (or later today) i'll talk about some music that i've been listening to.
peace folks :]
moma rainy friday
7:30 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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so we went to the MoMa (Museum of Modern Art) yesterday and it was pretty fantastic. it was crowded but i saw a lot of interesting pieces of work like they had this one performance piece where (i guess) people took turns staring at this lady. it was kinda awesome. the tim burton exhibit was going on too, but that's for another day.

shakespeare deep in love
12:00 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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we started watching Shakespeare in Love today in class. Oh my gosh, i laughed during it but that is (so far) the best crumby love movie i've seen. here's one of my favorite lines we've heard in the movie so far:
Viola De Lesseps: [to her Nurse] I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all. No... not the artful postures of love, not playful and poetical games of love for the amusement of an evening, but love that... over-throws life. Unbiddable, ungovernable - like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. Love - like there has never been in a play.seriously that is beautiful & really really crumby. so if anybody hasn't seen the movie, go see it when you're in a mood to be in love.
peace & love folks
11:15 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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i listened to music ALL day today. and did some homework
steak for dinner, worked out for 40 minutes
& then oscars (which are still going on right now)
i'm super tired but i must finish watching the oscars!
<-- best zombie picture! an indie zombie kid
life story iPod survey
4:19 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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|L I F E S T O R Y|
Opening Credits: "Is There Any Love" by KiD CuDi feat. Wale
Waking Up: "Take it or Leave it" by The Strokes
First Day At School: "2,000 Watts" by Michael Jackson
Falling In Love: "Girls and Boys" by Good Charlotte
Opening Credits: "Is There Any Love" by KiD CuDi feat. Wale
Waking Up: "Take it or Leave it" by The Strokes
First Day At School: "2,000 Watts" by Michael Jackson
Falling In Love: "Girls and Boys" by Good Charlotte
Fight Song: "Clint Eastwood (Ed case Remix) by Gorillaz
Breaking Up: "Encore - Human After All / Together - Together / One More Time (reprise) / Stardust - Music Sounds Better with You" by Daft Punk
Prom: "At Your Feet" by Hillsong
Life's OK: "Writing on the Walls" by Underoath
Mental Breakdown: "Come Around Again" by Jet
Driving: "You're So Last Summer" by Taking Back Sunday
Breaking Up: "Encore - Human After All / Together - Together / One More Time (reprise) / Stardust - Music Sounds Better with You" by Daft Punk
Prom: "At Your Feet" by Hillsong
Life's OK: "Writing on the Walls" by Underoath
Mental Breakdown: "Come Around Again" by Jet
Driving: "You're So Last Summer" by Taking Back Sunday
Flashback: "BodyRock" by Moby
Getting Back Together: "Cute Without the 'E' (Cut From the Team)" by Taking Back Sunday
Wedding: "Crashed" by Daughtry
Birth of Child: "You Know What" by N.E.R.D
Final Battle: "Creator" by Santogold
Death Scene: "Low Rider" by War
Funeral Song: "Broken Boy Soldier" by The Raconteurs
End Credits: "Transistor Radio" by Cloud Cult
Getting Back Together: "Cute Without the 'E' (Cut From the Team)" by Taking Back Sunday
Wedding: "Crashed" by Daughtry
Birth of Child: "You Know What" by N.E.R.D
Final Battle: "Creator" by Santogold
Death Scene: "Low Rider" by War
Funeral Song: "Broken Boy Soldier" by The Raconteurs
End Credits: "Transistor Radio" by Cloud Cult
iPod survey numero uno
4:07 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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How am I feeling today? "Enter Galactic (Love Connection Pt. 1) by KiD CuDi
How do my friends see me? "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn & Joh feat.Victoria Bergsman
What is my best friend's theme song? "Intro" by Cloud Cult
What is the story of my life? "A Method" by TV on the Radio
What is the best thing about me? "The Funeral" by Band of Horses
What is today going to be like? "The Place You Find Love" by Quincy Jones
What is in store for this week? "Peace Train" by Cat Stevens
What song describes my mom? "Everyone's a Junkie" by Our Lady Peace
What song describes my dad? "Ooh La" by The Kooks
To describe my grandparents? "Place to Be" by Nick Drake
How is my life going? "Amsterdam" by Peter Bjorn & John
What song will they play at my funeral? "System" by Seal
How does the world see me? "Pink Moon" by Nick Drake
Will I have a happy life? "New Soul" by Yael Naim
What do my friends really think of me? "I Love You All the Time" by Oh No! Oh My!
How can I make myself happy? "Daydream" by Smashing Pumpkins
What should I do with my life? "From a Mountain in the Middle of Cabins" by Panic! At the Disco
What is some good advice for me? "Little Sister" by Queens of the Stone Age
How will i be remembered? "Heartbreaker" by Michael Jackson
What is my signature dancing song? "Breaking the Girl" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
What is my current theme song? "The Game is not Over" by The Glitch Mob
What does everyone else think my current theme song is? "Hash Pipe" by Weezer
How do my friends see me? "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn & Joh feat.Victoria Bergsman
What is my best friend's theme song? "Intro" by Cloud Cult
What is the story of my life? "A Method" by TV on the Radio
What is the best thing about me? "The Funeral" by Band of Horses
What is today going to be like? "The Place You Find Love" by Quincy Jones
What is in store for this week? "Peace Train" by Cat Stevens
What song describes my mom? "Everyone's a Junkie" by Our Lady Peace
What song describes my dad? "Ooh La" by The Kooks
To describe my grandparents? "Place to Be" by Nick Drake
How is my life going? "Amsterdam" by Peter Bjorn & John
What song will they play at my funeral? "System" by Seal
How does the world see me? "Pink Moon" by Nick Drake
Will I have a happy life? "New Soul" by Yael Naim
What do my friends really think of me? "I Love You All the Time" by Oh No! Oh My!
How can I make myself happy? "Daydream" by Smashing Pumpkins
What should I do with my life? "From a Mountain in the Middle of Cabins" by Panic! At the Disco
What is some good advice for me? "Little Sister" by Queens of the Stone Age
How will i be remembered? "Heartbreaker" by Michael Jackson
What is my signature dancing song? "Breaking the Girl" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
What is my current theme song? "The Game is not Over" by The Glitch Mob
What does everyone else think my current theme song is? "Hash Pipe" by Weezer
hang a sign
3:18 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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i have a sign that says: ARE YOU SURE up on my wall. i was reading something for my Buddhist meditation class and the chapter was titled Right Thinking and it said to write "Are you sure" on your wall because:
so i thought that would be interesting to do."Wrong perceptions cause incorrect thinking and unnecessary suffering."From: The Heart of Buddha's Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh
peace folks
i've always dreamed to be a sumo wrestler
5:03 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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ah.. good times
so come on.
2:29 AM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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"the atlantic was born today, and i'll tell you how:
the clouds above opened up and let it out"
transatlanticism by death cab for cutie
happy dance loopin' around
1:40 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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i seriously had to post something about this video.
it made me soo happy! check it out
blind/watercolor love
1:23 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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so this is the first post even about love. but i'm taking a class about love in school right now. today we had a discussion that i was really interested about. it was about interracial couples and race in love in general. well we started about dating websites and if we had to check a box about ethnicity preference would we and all that juicy stuff. some people were like, well yeah.. and then others, like me, were like no i wouldn't choose any, or if i had to check a box i would check all the boxes.
i don't know the idea of race and love is something that will always be discussed, it's something that we cannot be blind to. and in a way it sucks but i'd rather be blind about it. i don't know if that sounds ignorant to some folks, but don't people always say that love is blind? then why on a dating site have the job to click a box of which potential suitors you'll be able to check out and what not.
i guess that what i have to say about the subject right now.
peace folks
famous list
7:40 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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the list of famous (or somewhat famous) people i've seen:

matthew boderick
michael kors
rodney epperson [from project runway season 6]
jesse eisenberg
gorillaz & wild things & spring! oh my
12:47 PM | Posted by
a.b lee |
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- 3/2-
Where the Wild Things Are on DVD - 3/5-
Alice in Wonderland comes out - 3/8-Gossip Girl (tehe)
- 3/9-Gorillaz CD comes out (major score!)
- 3/10- New season of America's Next Top Model!
- 3/14- Daylight Savings Time!
- 3/19- FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!! (finally)
- 3/26- my driving test
dudes. that's a great list up there. seriously. so i'm super stoked about that. so i just wanted to post that up there. oh and this is school related, i have my first draft of my story due this week, and i really love it. so that's also grand.
peace folks :)
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