
5000//Part 3

201. Put these creatures in order from what you would least like to be reincarnated as (1), to what you would most like to be reincarnated as (10) assuming reincarnation ended up existing AND you were given a choice.
  1. Vulture
  2. Rock
  3. Male Human
  4. Rock
  5. Caterpillar
  6. Wild Dog
  7. Manta Ray
  8. Female Human
  9. House Dog
  10. Dolphin
202. What do you feel unworthy of?
what kind of question is that? i mean it would be awful if people just went around and thought that they weren't worthy of things y'know.

203. Would you rather be remembered for having done something for humanity or being a really nice person?
having done something for humanity.

204. Which do you value more: science or intuition?
intuition. i think it might take you farther in life than science.

205. Your best friend and your significant other are in the hospital at the same time with the same ailment. Who do you visit first?
what! uh, i guess i would visit my significant other first, then my friend. they would understand.

206. Does the universe revolve around human beings?
no the universe revolves around everything.

207. If you are no longer a virgin, do you wish you still were?

208. Who is your favorite poet of those who are alive right now?
oo, i like billy collins alot.

209. What is your favorite song from the 90's?
i think it might be "black and white" by Micheal Jackson

210. If you were in alphabet soup what letter would you be?

211. Do you believe in fairies, ghosts, aliens, angels, dwarves, elves, etc.?
I believe in ghosts, everything else though. big fat no.

212. What makes you want to be someone’s friend?
same interests, we have to have at least 2 intriguing conversations where we just flow together or whatever.

213. Do you troll around the Internet harassing people anonymously for fun?
no that's terrible.

214. Have you ever seen the movie A Man Who Fell to Earth?
no. never even heard of it.

215. What is your favorite line from a movie?
"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world."
from Dead Poets Society.

216. What's your favorite video game?
oi, it has to be mario karts right now. love that damn thing.

217. Have you ever taken something that wasn't yours?
yeah, but who hasn't.

218. What is one phrase people say that irritates you?
hm, i can't think of one right now.

219. You allow strangers to read your diary, but would you let your parents read it?
yeah, i guess i would. there's nothing in it really i need to hide.

220. Hot steamy bubble bath or quick in and out shower?
hot steamy bubble bath.

221. Are you allergic to anything?
nope :)

222. What is your favorite Terminator movie?
i like terminator rise of the machines. it was like my first one and i thought it was the best thing i've ever seen.

223. What is your favorite fast food?
has to be between taco bell & burger king

224. What would someone have to do to get you to never speak to him or her again?
like kill my dog or something. or just full out betray me.

225. Would (or have) you ever whip someone or be whipped by someone in bed?
herm. i guess do the whipping?

226. Have you ever said 'I hate everyone' and really meant it literally?

227. Why do some people want to get more money than they could ever spend?
because it's a fantasy that everyone has, spending so much money would be fun & to some it makes them feel powerful.

228. Have you ever won a carnival fish?
no, but i've always wanted to.

229. Did it live more than a week?
i never had one!! T-T

230. What's the best sounding accent a person can have?
ooo i love accents. uh, i really love French, heave Spanish & English. oi vay. i can't choose >.<

231. What's the most boring thing you've ever read?
ugh. there have been a few things i've read for school that were terrible.

232. Do you prefer buttons or touch screens?
i like touch screens.

233. Do you think there is a lot of similarity between the Harry Potter books and the Lord of the Rings series?
there are a few, i mean but there are alot of connections between books & movies.

234. Would you consider yourself to be naive?
in a way. i still am.

235. Which of your friends is most likely to go to jail?
haha, um, i think lukas.

236. What is the smallest amount of money that could be in a public toilet that would make you reach in and grab it?
100 bucks.

237. Would you ever wear real fur?

238. Arachnophobia or Eight Legged Freaks?
eight legged freaks. 'cause it was meant to be funny.

239. What are your feelings about police officers?
they're trying to do their job. but i'd prefer them not to be assholes when they have to deal with people.

240. what is your favorite line from a song?
gah! why do i have to get a question like this.

241. Is fifty dollars a lot of money?
to a college kid. heck yes.

242. Do you like the band Front 242 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front_242)?
uh, i listened to it. and not digging it at the moment.
243. Would you rather have fame, money, or self-satisfaction?

244. What's your middle name?
Bianca. and it doesn't fit me at all, but it flows with my whole name.

245. What is the absolute limit, the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?
dudes. like i don't know what's the craziest thing.

246. Are you good, evil or neutral?

247. Should ebonics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebonics) be considered a language?
i don't think so. it seems to be more like a slang than language.

248. What color is your bedroom?
green :)

What color would you like it to be?
that is the color i wanted it to be.

249. When are you planning to move to a new home?
uh, i'm in college. so i guess after i graduate.

250. If you added up the cost of everything in the room with you, approximately what would it come out to be?
i dunno, like 300 bucks.

251. Do you blow your nose in public?
no it's so gross.

252. Do you want to follow in your parent's footsteps?
uh, no. i want to make my own.

253. What is the coolest web site you know of?

254. Which cartoon would you most like to see turned into a movie?
hmm. i would love to make a samurai champloo movie. 'cause i love that show so much.

255. Of the following, which word best describes you: enthusiastic,fair minded, generous, helpful
i guess. fair minded.

256. Can you eat with chopsticks?
yes :)

257. Could you tell real money from counterfeit?
no, and i don't really care to.

258. What do you think about school uniforms?
i mean it makes sense once your out of school that has uniforms, but when your in it school, you hate it & want to be different.

259. What ancient civilization would you most like to visit?

260. What would make a great new Crayola color?
deep ocean

261. If an art project is created with the intent of getting rich and famous, does that cast doubt over its significance as a work of art?
i think so. i don't think art should be made with that intent in mind.

262. If you became president, whom would you invite to sing at your inauguration?
oh, seal. most definitely. i would ask micheal jackson, but sadly he's dead.

263. Who is the greatest philosopher of your country?
oh, um. he's not considered a philosopher to some, but i like what he wrote about. Emerson.

264. If all the nations in the world are in debt, where did all the money go?
to war.

265. Is it as easy to make you happy now as it was when you were a child?
yeah, simple things make me happy. which is good.

266. Who knows more...you, or your parents?
my parents for sure. but i know things they know nothing about. so it kinda cancels out.

267. What instrument would you like to be famous for playing?
the guitar.

268. Children fill its lungs completely with air. Adults breathe in a more shallow way, not filling their lungs completely. Why the change?
'cause adults are strange. 

269. Would you have sex with a stranger for one million dollars?
no. stop asking questions about money.

270. Are you completely in control of your body?
no, i guess, but i think so.

Are you completely in control of your mind?
definitely not.

271. Which is more romantic: an expensive, glittering bouquet OR flowers that were hand picked as they grew beside the parkway? 
hand picked. 'cause wild flowers are my second favorite.

272. Do you know yourself well enough to understand why you feel the way you do?

273. Which do you do more often: let movies, songs and books put your feelings into words for you or put your feelings into words by yourself?
songs and movies. but i do it myself sometimes too.

274. Do you believe celebrities when they are endorsing a product?
not really.

275. What kind of movies do you wish were made more often?
like surreal stuff, like inception, eternal sunshine stuff.

276. Does fashion matter to you?
not really.

277. Should politicians be held to the same legal standards as everyone else?
yes. but they aren't. but that's the way society made it.

278. What do you get in trouble for the most?
i dunno, not doing chores or whatever.

279. Should parents spank their kids?
yes & no

280. What is your worst daily habit?
uh, like sleeping late i suppose.

281. If you had your choice which one TV show would you have canceled?
why would i care, i'm not watching it anyway.

282. Do you like the taste of sweet or salt?

283. Are you very precise about what words you use to describe your feelings and thoughts?
no. i jumble them together a lot. because the journey from a thought to words is so freakin' complex.

284. What do you feel the most guilty about?
not trying hard enough.

285. Do you meditate?
sometimes, but i want to do it more.

286. Can dreams be visions, or do you feel they are always random images?
some dreams can be visions, but sometimes they are just random.

287. Do you try to write/say what you are feeling in a true and simple way?
yes i try. and sometimes i succeed & sometimes i don't.

288. The thief _______ that everyone steals.

What verb would you fill in the blank with?

289. What's the most incredible experience you ever had?
swimming with sharks :)

290. Are you ever afraid to write/say/think how you feel?
no, that would be a terrible fear.

291. Do you write/say/think it anyway or become intimidated and try to avoid it?

292. What is one thing you can't do?
hm, i can't play the flute. makes me light headed.

293. Do you like movies starring Charleton Heston (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleton_Heston)?
ben-hur is pretty good.

294. Are you gentle?
i guess so.

295. When do you feel the most raw and vulnerable?
when i'm sleepy.

296. Are you trying to find yourself?
yeah, i feel that the journey never ends though.

297. Where are you looking?
North, South, East & West

298. Are you sometimes afraid of being honest because you are afraid of hurting people's feelings?
not other people, i'm afraid i'm going to get hurt.

299. What would make you a stronger person?
being more open.

300. What book would you like to read sometime soon?
the picture of dorian grey.


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a.b lee
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